Happy Monday All !!
I hope you have a nice weekend ! Ours was kind of busy. We helped our Youth huge yard sale on Saturday. We try to raise money for teens to go for the Youth Camp at the Wilds. Praise God !! We reached the goal and even over the top !! That was a huge blessing so all the teens who registered can go to the Camp.
We woke up early in the morning to help them around 5:30 am. Actually, we didn't do much because they already set it up during the week. They did a very good job. God really bless the church with people who willing to serve and work for HIM.
We just come to give them support and help a tiny little bit. And heavy lifting ( my husband did :) I work in nursery for a little bit to babysit one of the worker baby. It was such a blessing to work with little one. And I really did enjoy it.
We had tons of stuff at the yard sale all donated by church members. And they went really cheap. I wish you were here in our area. You might found something nice for not a lot of money. At the end of the yard sale close to 12 pm we give everyone a shopping bag and filled it up with what ever they found for $1. Not bad at all.
The most fun thing about this yard sale was I also can shopping and get me some nice stuff at first hand. Here are the stuff that I found at our Camp yard sale all for $5 good size burlap, ice cube maker, two pillows, umbrella and including the wreath. Don't be jealous :)
Perfect for the Spring :) |
After the yard sale we went to this Lebanese food festival in the late afternoon. We like to try a new things and experience it. There were tons of people there and all different kind of Lebanese foods. We were really enjoying it.
Sunday after the church a friend of ours asking to have a lunch together. We went to Texas road house. Oh my....I cant get enough of their rolls. They were so soft, yum and kind of addicted :) I got myself pork chop with sweet potato and green bean. Love it. Sure...we didn't have dinner after that. Because we were stuffed !!