Happy Friday !! I hope you had a wonderful day ! I had an amazing day today. Got to chat with my high school best friend via
Skype this morning. Thank you to the Skype founder what a blessing. I use this application a lot to talk to my family back in Indonesia. It is very economical. all you need is a good internet connection, Skype account and you are good to go. Talk for hours and hours without any charge. I can see their faces too and vise versa :)
Back to my post title. This time I got a lot of goodies. I think this trip was much better than shopping cart diving from last time. You can read about it
here. If you read the post you will know where I go for dumpster ( shopping cart ) diving. I go to Goodwill Outlet and Auction. My husband and I go here at least once a month searching for auction furniture for our next project.
On this trip, I didn't think I would get much, but patience paid off. I just hang around in the parking lot for about an hour, waiting for people to bring their cart out to see what goodies are left inside { I know... I keep asking myself "why would they do that" :)} Also, thanks to my patient husband ( waiting patiently inside our car in 90 plus degree weather ) while his
crazy smart frugal wife is digging up all the goodies.
Let's see what I found from those lovely dumpster { shopping cart :) }
Beautiful nicely detailed frames
A lot of good things here. These stuffed animals are still in very good condition. I can put them in my Operation Christmas Child boxes. Slushy Magic Kit I thought my niece would love it along with the little bag, and the pencil bag. Raffia for some craft projects.
Kitchen toys I will give these to my niece as well. The basket came from the dumpster too.
These wreaths will be handy for this coming Autumn and the other one for Spring next year. I just need to add some little decorations and I will have a festive fall wreath hanging on my door :)
Books, I will sell them on eBay except the Plain Truth by Jodi Picoult I will keep it for now in addition to my books collection. And the little Christmas tree it will be handy in our bedroom this Christmas to hang some sentimental ornaments that we have.
Euro Chopper still in very good condition I don't have one of those so I will keep it. I was thinking of spraypainting the shell all white and use as a decoration on my coffee table. I will give the fall decorations away.
All kind of vases. I collect them and when I get up to 10-12 pieces I will sell them on CL ( which I did once already :)
These 2 kitchen appliances were an unexpected find. I was looking in this shopping cart sitting in parking lot and saw them inside. I started to roll the shopping cart away and some lady said : " that cart is belongs to so and so " I said :" I'm sorry !" and left it where it was. Suddenly the daughter ( about 13-15 years old) of so and so said : " No that doesn't belong to us " So I rolled again. This time another man said the same thing as the lady. I left it again. The daughter said the same thing for the second time :" No that's not ours " This time I rolled the cart for good to our car and these 2 appliances belong to me now :)
Not really sure if we want to keep both of them. I was thinking to donate both of them to the church for our free yard sale day ( give away stuff that donated by congregations to the neighbors ) but we didn't do it this year.
Those are my finds from dumpster ( shopping cart ) diving adventure :)
Have a great and blessings weekend friends !!!